Design Session: Getting Started, Connected and Funded in Maine

Workshop Friday | 12–2:30 pm | Roux Institute, 100 Fore St., Portland

What is it?

Title → Design Session: Getting started, connected and funded in Maine

Short summary → Join fellow entrepreneurs for real talk about what it’s really like to start and grow in Maine. Building on your experience, we’ll envision what support entrepreneurs like you want to solve problems and grow your business. Hosted by Startup Maine and facilitated by experienced facilitators, this two hour design session will collaboratively shape Startup Maine’s strategy for making Maine an welcoming and exceptional place to be an entrepreneur.

Who is this for?

A space for people with experience building a business in Maine — entrepreneurs, innovators, founders, and business owners.

We encourage funders and entrepreneurial support organizations to skip this session. This one is for entrepreneurs.

JUST A FEW SPOTS LEFT : Limited to 30 people to enable honest, collaborative discussion.  This is for fellow founders, business owners, innovators and entrepreneurs only (not investors, or entrepreneurial support organizations).

When and where is it? 

Friday, May 17 from 12:00 – 2:30pm at the Roux Institute in Portland. Room number will be shared with confirmed attendees.

Lunch is provided for attendees.

Why should you join?

You’ve got ideas for making Maine better for entrepreneurs.

You’re looking for a space for real talk about what it’s really like to start and grow something in Maine.

You want to influence Startup Maine’s strategy for championing entrepreneurship in Maine.

You want to reconnect with people who do what you do — fellow founders, business owners, innovators and entrepreneurs.