What are the Conference Categories?
- Keynote: Jennifer Pahlka (Code for America) & Hannah Pingree (Maine’s Office of Innovation & the Future)
- Keynote: Evan Burfield
- To B Corp or Not to Be
- Public Pioneers: Forging Civic Innovation at the Ground Level
- Government Innovation: Public + Private Partnerships
- Affiliate Event: 2019 Women Angels in Training: An Experiential Investment Workshop
- Keynote: Del Johnson and Daniella Reichstetter
- Keynote: Evan Burfield
- Demystifying How Angel Investors Look at Deals
- Organizing and Marketing your Crowdfunding Campaign
- Affiliate Event: Lunch with the Maine Angels
- Venture Investment Readiness Awareness Levels (VIRAL) Framework
- Mixpo: Money, Mentors and Jobs
- Navigating Financial Resources for Maine Entrepreneurs
- “Founding” a Startup by Acquisition
Ocean/Blue Economy
- Keynote: Berta Danielsdottir
- The Business of Aquaculture
- Fullvinnsla – Turning Waste into Value
- Port of Origin: Exporting From Maine and New England
- Cyber Security and your Business: CYA
- Understanding and Leveraging Blockchain
- Enabling Innovation through Technology
- Demystifying Artificial Intelligence
- Developing Technology to Serve Traditional Industries
- Translating Science and Technobabble with Visual Story Telling
Hiring/Company Culture
- Keynote: Del Johnson and Daniella Reichstetter
- A Consciously Created Company: Culture and Cohesion
- Millennials: Hiring and Coaching Maine’s Future Workforce
- To B Corp Or Not to Be
Entrepreneurship and the Fundamentals
- Been There, Done That: Avoid Mistakes By Listening to Fellow Entrepreneurs
- Becoming a Lean Startup
- 10 Lessons from a Founder
- Customer Insights as Drivers of Product Development and Adoption
- Launch your Business Project with Lego Serious Play
- Bootstrap Your PR to Build Your Business
- A Lean Approach to Branding
- How to Take Risks as a Middle Aged Entrepreneur